King of the Birds, Lord of the Skies

King of the Birds, Lord of the Skies
Gather ye rose buds while ye may, old time is still a flying;
and this same rose that you see today, tomorrow will be dying.
CarpeDiem: Seize the Day!
- Dead Poets Society

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Credit Suisse's Prediction Bad for SPGs

I read from the Straits Times today that according to a new report from Credit Suisse, it was predicted that an astonishing 300,000 jobs could be lost in Singapore this year and next. Most of the workers to lose jobs would be foreigners, who...would then have to leave Singapore, which...would then lead to a decline in Singapore's population.

Less foreigners can be bad news for a lot of things here, among them, our SPGs (aka Sarong Party Girls). In the first place, I am not even sure if there is going to be a lot of partying going forward in the light of the economic crisis. They can still keep their sarongs, though...No? You mean their boyfriends also steal it and bring home with them?

You see, soon, many SPGs' "ang-moh" boyfriends will be leaving Singapore, some for good. Some just leave. Some leave a mess. Our SPGs have a few choices: Follow them whenever their boyfriends go, no more boyfriends, or find new ones. Life goes on, right, girls?

But I am afraid the party music may be fading.

You see, those foreigners who missed the axe, the remaining few (aka "remainers"), will most likely have their pay slashed, their work hours lengthened due to fewer colleagues in the office, or just covering that poor bastard that got axe hours ago.

These "remainers" will be pressured to work hard and not screw up the tiniest bit, least their turn to get chopped. So they work harder, come in earlier (which means no more late nights at the pubs with you SPGs), more on the ball during work time (means no more long lunches with you SPGs) or some secret escapee here and there during work hours.

In short, those remainers will have little or no time for their SPGs girlfriends.

In addition, the remainers will probably cut down on their use-to-be heavy spendings, on themselves? No! On their SPGs of course! Less flowers, less or no more Tiffany (Poh Heng may be a good alternative since gold price is quite soft now, among other things, you know), less high-end restaurants.

On the contrary, these remainers may have to downgrade from condos to HDBs, from private clubs to public pools, cars to motorcycles, gym memberships to a jog in Bishan Park. They may even consider the possibility of "digging" into the reserves of ...thier SPGs. Afterall, they should have some reserve right, shouldn't they? Most of them have enjoyed all-expensed-paid-for dates and trips. They should have some savings, hopefully. Savings is a no-brainer thingy, you know what I mean. Or did they just saved the underwears and polo-shirts of their boyfriends at home only? Not much worth though...

But all is not lost, my dear SPGs. You see, your current "ang-moh" boyfriends will not have the flare and fare to woo other SPGs liao. He will have no choice but to stick with the current loser SPG, till the next one is available. He will be less incline to have more than one "pet" because cat food is expansive! No pounds and pennies, no pets and pussies. After all, the SPGs are just their extra-curriculum activities, and extra curriculum needs extra...CASH! That can be done away for the time being.

Another good news for the SPGs. Since oil price is still low, and travel costs have drastically decreased, what better time than now to go buy a ticket on-line and fly to your boyfriends homeland, whenever it may be. Less SPGs here may not be a bad idea after all, and you will be the exotic foreign talent elsewhere. Good bye, and good luck to you. You won't be missed.

Okay, I may be joking about this whole thing at the expense of my expat friends. I apologise. If you are reading this, I hope it does not imply you. I just can't help letting my mind wonder off to the absurd eventuality as I ponder about my usual daily readings. It is not personal. Don't kill me even it is true about your life right now, whether you are that expat or the ...SPG!

Take A Step Forward...

If you have a great ambition, take as big a step as possible in the direction of fulfilling it. The step may only be a tiny one, but trust that it may be the largest one possible for now.

Mildred Mcafee

Recently, a lot of my friends got retrenched or laid off. The economic crisis is not abating and many of them are looking into other industries for jobs. Some of them are in their mid thirties. To this group, the change in job scope and industries can be a major challenge and paradigm shift.

I hope this quote from Mildred will encourage their hearts :)