Your wages...................TAXED
Your groceries...............TAXED
Your company's profits.......TAXED
Your wine....................TAXED
Your bank account interest...TAXED
Your cigarettes..............TAXED
Your cigarette lighter............TAXED
Your property purchase.......TAXED
Your petrol..................TAXED
Your property income.........TAXED
Your car.....................TAXED
Your car mechanic.............TAXED
Your property sale...........TAXED
Your property agent.........TAXED
Your cappucino.................TAXED
Your stationary................TAXED
Your laptop......................TAXED
Your medical bill.............TAXED
Your medicine.................TAXED
Your death...................TAXED
Even after you die, the taxman's greedy fingers steal a percentage of whatever you've got left. Here they call it 'Estate Duty'.
It is scandalous how overtaxed we are here in the sunny island. No wonder that they say the 2 sure things in life are DEATH & TAXES!