Proverbs 29:1-11, The Bible
Verse 1: A man who hardens his neck after much reproof will suddenly be broken beyond remedy.
Verse 11: A fool always loses his temper, but a wise man holds it back.
I admit I have always had an issue with the display of anger. I am angry, angry with stupid system, angry with stupid people, angry with that stupid taxi driver that cuts in with no warning, angry with that stupid moron who share his shit and smoke in the toilet cubicle. Man...I really have a problem! Someone please kill me now!
My anger has cost me my marriage, my family, my wife, my son, my future...if I allow it to rob me further.
No, I intend to do something about it - today. I will start to deal with it again - now. Like verse 1, I have hardened my neck after much reproof. I have been discouraged and dismayed over my failure to overcome this handicap call anger. But I know deep within that I am not broken beyond remedy. God is not finished with me yet. The Great Weaver still needs me on the easel. The Principal of the School of Hard Knocks still needs my class attendance and projects. I know I am not done because He is not done.
So, Mr Anger, watch out! I am coming back! Round two won't be a walk-over for you now.
I will put up a defense against your on-slaught, in order to protect all that which is dear to me - my wife, my son, my gifts, my ministry, my calling, my vocation, my destiny! Watch your goal post!!
I also notice that the Word of God did not say, "...but a wise man did not have or will not have - anger". The Word says he holds it back, despite having the anger. I realised that being angry is a very real thing, but staying angry is optional. I will find ways to do that.
Okay, enough of holy holy.
Why Altcoins Soared Higher This Week
7 hours ago
All great achievers have anger to fuel them, that's why they can achieve. But a greater achiever knows how not to be overuled by the anger.
Bro, press on. We all fight our most intense battles alone. Don't ever give up! You've been a great encouragement to me during this difficult time. YOU ARE THE LEADER!!! EEEEEEHAAAAA
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