We, the citizens of Singapore;
Pledge ourselves as one united people
Regardless of Race, Language or Religion;
Regardless of Race, Language or Religion;
To build a Democratic Society;
Based on Justice and Equality;
So as to achieve Happiness, Prosperity and Progress for our Nation.
.Sound familiar? It's our National Pledge, you m***n!
.Back in 1997, I once heard a US professor sharing his idea on progress of the human civilisation during his visit to one of the so-called top institution of learning - NUS (aka "Nothing Up Stairs"). He shared that in order for any society to progress, three pre-requisites must be present: Freedom, Justice, and Benevolence.
.In order for a society to grow, there must be ample freedom, both of thoughts and ideologies, as well as speech and expression. Only then can new ideas ferment, grow, develop, and come to being. A stifling environment will cut the oxygen off the ideas-supply line, which eventually, the society will suffocate and die. China is a good example. The suppression of new ideas had kept the country from developing and it had cost them dearly over the last 60 years!
.With freedom, new ideas build on one another, then spring forth more new and more dynamic ideas, and so on. Without freedom, the power faculty of the society, the Mind got assassinated in the cradle and leave us with an empty faculty building. Result: Nobody thinks critically, creatively, and constructively anymore. Boxed mentality. Media-driven thinking and me-focused analysis. "What's in for me" becomes the norm. The power of the day gets to decide what and how you think. Sometimes in thinking of an idea, it is good to consider the opposite flank of thoughts. And I think the opposite of Freedom is not bondage, but oppression!
.Once you garner freedom, you need to pack in Justice. Without Justice, ideas launched & landed in the wrong hands will be taken advantage of and manipulated. One's idea to create wealth is stolen by another. Who would like to contribute ideas anymore? Once in a while, you may have experience the dilemma of whether to put forth an idea which may be beneficial to your company. But on second thought, you hold back, right? Why? Because your that bloody idiot boss will steal the idea you present and claim it as his or her own. Sickening, isn't it? Worst still, that bastard/ bitch terminate you later, because you are a threat to his or her career advancement. Disgusting. Result: Nobody shares anything, anymore, anywhere. It is a controlled way of governing ideas. Selective idea formation. Is that Justice? The opposite of Justice? No, it is not injustice, but tyranny! Think about that.
.Then there is Benevolence - the desire to do good to others or acts of kindness and generous sharing. When you have a society that is thinking and coming up with new and strong ideas, and that there is a platform or structure to encourage the franchise of those ideas, you see progress. But such progression will not last long, if benevolence is absense. One man's idea resulted in wealth creation for that one man is hardly progression unless he learns to share with others. Result: Nobody cares, nothing more, nothing less, nothing else. Ignorance due to lack of ideas and information leads to a syndrone call "I don't know". Apathy is a "I don't care" mentality built on the foundation of a non-benevolent society. And you know what, the opposite of benevolence is actually not apathy, but self indulgence!
.Okay, since it is my country's nationhood and independence day, I will be glad to say we have progressed, to some extent, in the development of the above three cornerstones. But there is still much room for growth and stretching, and there is no room for complacency. Step up for the 21st century, Singaporeans. I am concerned for my little ones who will be the future citizens of a new age. And despite of technology advancement, these 3 cornerstones don't change. That's why they are called cornerstones!
Happy Birthday, Singapore!
Disclaimer: Though fictionally I am a true blue citizen of Eagle-Land, I was borned and breed here in Singapore. So by default, I am a citizen by birth. But by divine design, I am a Rebel!!!
So wanna hear Eagle-Land's Citizen's Pledge?
We, the eaglitizen of Eagle-Land,
Pleage ourselves as one united Flock.
Regardless of feathers, becks and telons,
To build a Benevolence Eagle-ciety.
Based on Justice and Freedom to Soar.
So as to achieve happiness, prosperity and progress for our future eaglets.
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