Today is the 10th of Oct, 2007. Three more years from now, at 10 a.m. in the morning, it will be 10-10-10-10. Anyway, just a silly thought.
I wake up today excited. Why? Because I realised that today marks a fresh start, a new beginning, a clean break. Yesterday ended last night; today is brand new. Nothing stale, nothing leftover. Brand new, understand?
I often thought about this: We wake up in the morning but forget to leave yesterday behind. Sad, but true. Leave what's yesterday yesterday. Today is today. Symbolically, yet very practical, we have to brush our teeth again. No matter how many times we have brushed before, we need to brush once more. The past & previous brushing are not valid for today!
Yes, I want a new start; I needed one. A new beginning, a new journey. Just like my play station, there is this little button that says "Reset" or "Replay". Well, fortunate for me, today is that button. The power to reset everything new, to start all over again - to begin.
Best of all, a new destination! Commencing today, life can be different, for better or for best! And the good news is: yes, it can be for the better!!!
So, right from the start this morning (while I visited my usual holy shrine a.k.a toilet to offer my usual "offering"), I set out the following thoughts:
1. I need to know what I want, very clearly.
Not wishy-washy, or fuzzy-wuzzy. Hey my friend, that's a damn good rule for life, you know! And just as good for any marriage, my marriage! Yes, I leave no uncertainty. I will stamp my desire clearly. Let it be known. Mostly to myself.
My friend, it is a negative world out there but I choose to be positive. I want to be an achiever, an overcomer, a true winner! And I believe it's mine for the taking!!! But first, in order for me to make a new start, I must leave the old behind. New wine needs new wine skins. Otherwise, as the wine matures, the old skins have no more stretch in them and will burst. Then all is lost.
2. I need a new mind set.
That's what I am aiming for today. Don't you know that nothing actually enters your life without first entering your mind? In a way, it becomes stored as part of your database. All decisions are first checked & tallied with this database, like my spell-checker in the Microsoft Word program. In a sense, the database means you have already pre-decided.
Anyhow, mindset change is a bit hard and difficult if you don't know what you like to change to. A new mind set is easily said than done, because it takes real hard effort to correct warp thinking. Just like puppy love (or guppy love). Have you ever experience this strange feeling of liking someone when you are in your early teens, say back in Primary 5? You think you are in love. You think that love will last. But today, you look back and laugh about it because it didn't.
By the way: what's love?
Someone said that love is a feeling you feel when you felt it. For me, I feel nothing now. Love is more than a feeling! It's a decision!! And between me and my better half, it is more than a decision - it's a covenant. A covenant is an agreement built on trust. Some married couple's marriage is a contract. A contract is an agreement built on mistrust!!! Sad, but true. Think about that. Does anybody know what AGAPE love is anymore?
For some, love is just a word. But to some, love is not a word but a sentence - a life sentence!!! A death sentence!!! God help them, and their meaningless marital contracts too.
Yes, it take cruel effort to really pan out AGAPE love. Someone told me that it was not the nails that kept Jesus on the cross. It was (is) His love - AGAPE love!!! For me to follow His steps to love my wife unconditionally takes more than effort. I need His grace. The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. Thankfully, spirit can change; not so for the flesh.
I recently heard a female friend of mine said she don't mind co-habit with another man. Yes, staying together but not married; no contract, just condoms. It's like "I want you now, but I can also don't want you later if I change my mind". She obviously doesn't understand what love is. She said if things don't work out, if the "love" is gone, and the song stop playing, well, at least she can part ways without losing her financial assets. Gosh! I don't even know how to describe this kind of love she espoused. Nevermind, it's her life anyway. Maybe those foreign men she goes out with are eyeing her financial assets only. This is also very pathetic. I mean, does she really know what true wealth is?
Okay, back to me. I am making a fresh start. I need a slight new change in my behaviour, hence in my thinking. Good. But I am not rushing. I will take my time. It won't be overnight, overlunch, overtine/ milo ?? ... but over time.
You see: Things don't just happen. I must decide to make them happen. Today is the first day of the rest of my life. Yesterday is a cancelled cheque. Tomorrow is a promissory note. Today is hard currency. Today is cash! Today is current!! Today is the present. Today is a gift!
And tomorrow begins today!!!
King of the Birds, Lord of the Skies

Gather ye rose buds while ye may, old time is still a flying;
and this same rose that you see today, tomorrow will be dying.
CarpeDiem: Seize the Day!
- Dead Poets Society
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
A New Beginning, A New Journey!
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