King of the Birds, Lord of the Skies

King of the Birds, Lord of the Skies
Gather ye rose buds while ye may, old time is still a flying;
and this same rose that you see today, tomorrow will be dying.
CarpeDiem: Seize the Day!
- Dead Poets Society

Monday, December 24, 2007

Sticking my Neck Out!

"Behold the turtle: He only makes progress when he sticks his neck out."

James Bryant Conant
Educator and Diplomat

As a follow-up to my last entry on the 4 Rs, I will be dropping seeds of thoughts and ideas along the next fews days leading to 2008. My first thought is to resolve to stick my neck out as often as I can, and keep it there. I have been hiding in my shell for far too long; too long for a man of my substance.

There will be progress in 2008!
There will be breakthrough in 2008!
There will be results and impact in 2008!

Because I will be sticking out my neck for a change of views!!!

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