King of the Birds, Lord of the Skies

King of the Birds, Lord of the Skies
Gather ye rose buds while ye may, old time is still a flying;
and this same rose that you see today, tomorrow will be dying.
CarpeDiem: Seize the Day!
- Dead Poets Society

Monday, July 30, 2007

By Choice, Not By Chance

A lady who was known as Churchill's main rival in parliament was giving a speech. Churchill, with his usual enthusiasm for his rival, dozed off while the lady was speaking.

She stopped her speech and awoke Sir Winston by yelling, "Mr. Churchill, must you sleep while I talk?"

Churchill sleepily replied, "No, ma'am. I do so purely by choice."

Doing What Makes You Happy

Albert Schweitzer is quoted as saying, "Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you'll be a success."

Eagleboy's version: Money doesn't bring you happiness. But happiness brings you money. The happier you are, the more energy you have to jump over obstacles, & make some decent money. But the question remains: How to be happy? Here's one way:

Can you imagine doing what you love? I can.
Can you imagine following your dream? I can.
Can you imagine following your dream, doing what you love and creating an income by doing such? I can.

What if I told you that it could be done? But what happens if I told you that it would take hard work & effort? Wouldn't that decrease your excitement? Sian Liao (means bored already)? What if I told you that you are going to come up against roadblocks, would you still continue? Sibeh Sian Liao (means very bored already)!

Is your dream and love for your passion so powerful that when family and friends tell you that "it can't be done" you are still willing to move ahead and stick to your convictions? I know what I am talking about here. I have been through that kind of circumstances twice before. Let me share this with you my friend. My life has been filled with roadblocks, obstacles and negative people. But that was my past. My present is different now, and my future is even better.

So, here's the question: What are your dreams & passion? More importantly, what are you willing to do or sacrifice to follow your passion? Success and happiness can be yours. Especially success, if you are doing what makes you happy.

Focus on things that can bring you lasting joy & satisfaction, as opposed to the short-lived thrill of splurging at the Great Singapore Sales. That's because as much as I love to shop (and I suspect I'm not alone), economists have yet to find a connection between sales at Best Buy & true happiness. In fact, a lifestyle based on constant consumption probably won't make you happy.

Why? When we spend money on certain material goods or status items, there is a ''no natural stopping point.'' There will always be a bigger house, a fancier car, a more expensive watch to go after. But when it comes to "intrinsic needs", like food, rest, relationships, health, most people can naturally reach a point of satisfaction.

Thus, focusing more on quality of life, as opposed to stuff, appears to be a better goal. To many, that may means cutting down on that 15-hours-a-day job; coming back early instead of entertaining clients till midnight; slowing down; pay-cut; not taking that promotion etc. That's call surrendering money to regain personal time.

I read an article recently about someone who decided it was worth giving up a raise and a promotion to have more time with her baby daughter. She decided to switch jobs, taking a significant pay cut, to reduce her three-hour daily commute and 12-hour-plus workdays.

This is what she said (I quote):

"What I gained was really worth the money I gave up," she says, estimating the total loss at $10,000 a year, including lost matching funds to her 401(k). "I got a life."

In addition to the sanity and the flexibility her new job provides, "I get home in time to play with my daughter and even relax a little."

The biggest payoff was when she and her husband learned recently that she was pregnant, "and instead of freaking out, we are only filled with joy. That is worth giving up untold amounts of money for!"

It's so easy to drift through life, thinking of money as a merely financial matter and happiness as an emotional one. Truth is: the two are connected, and our view of money & how we spend can change our life for the better. Our view of our pay & how we appear to impress others can alter our health & overall well-being.

Someone told me that I shouldn't do the things I don't understand, & spend money I don't have, to impress people I don't like, for reasons I don't know. I encourage you to invest more in your own happiness.

Don't just follow the crowd.
Don't just follow the herd (unless you are a cow).
Follow your heart.
And please don't follow me (home) too, unless you are cute & gorgeous.

Books I Read

"The things I want to know are in books; my best friend is the man who'll get me a book I ain't read."
-Abraham Lincoln

"There is more treasure in books than in all the pirate's loot on Treasure Island... and best of all, you can enjoy these riches every day of your life."
- Walt Disney

"It isn't what the book costs; it's what it will cost if you don't read it."
- Jim Rohn

The latest book I came into possession is 'Dare to be Different' by Alessandro Forte. I will put up some summarised ideas once I am done with it. As of now, I am one-fifth the way there. Good stuff! This is one book that I highly recommend if you want to soar like an eagle in your business, & if your business is in the financial industry, man, please own your own copy. Mine is not for lease, gift, rental, borrow, or copy.